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企 业 名 称:嘉年禾順實業有限公司

所 属 网 库:纺织网库

联 系 人:Sophia Chi女士

职 位:Director

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:山羊絨紗線/紡織貿易 CASHMERE YARN/KNIT 羊毛/棉等紗線/紡織貿易 WOOL/COTTON

公 司 地 址:中国 香港 香港岛 FLAT A, 16/F, CHINAWEAL CENTRE, 414-424

联 系 电 话:852-2838-7081

电 子 邮 箱:

公 司 传 真:852-2572-1821

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:其他

主 营 行 业:纱线 棉类系列面料 毛纺系列面料 丝绸系列面料 混纺、交织类面料 针织面料


    本公司是香港註冊的毛紡針織品製造商及出口商,是生產及經營中國山羊絨製品系列為主的專業公司。 本公司在中國北京、唐山及山西地區設有染、紡、織廠房,設備由意大利製造進口的先進紡紗機器,並設有羊絨分梳工廠,在中國多個地區建有合作、聯營生產企業,生產及經營各種16-28支單、雙股粗紡及36-62支單、雙股精紡純羊絨及羊絨混紡毛紗,各類6、7、9、12及14-16針型純羊絨及羊絨混紡針織毛衣。 本公司已與多個國家和地區的客戶建立更長期及穩定的貿易關係,產品銷往歐洲、美國、日本、韓國等市場,深受客戶的歡迎。我們誠懇希望在互惠互利的基礎上與本港及各國客戶繼續努力發展和建立長期穩定的貿易合作關係,提供優質的羊絨產品系列,供給客戶使用。歡迎隨時與本公司聯系: 聯絡電話 TEL:(852) 2838-7081 / 6396-1813 聯絡人 CONTACT PERSON:Ms Vickie Wong 傳真號碼 FAX:(852) 2572-1821 電郵 EMAIL:carnival.textile@yahoo.com.hk 網址:http://www.alibaba.com/member/hk108619214.html We are a registered cashmere knitwear manufacturer and exporter in Hong Kong, and a professional company mainly in producing and trading business in China cashmere product. Our household factories are located at Beijing, Tangshan and Shanxi, China, placed different advanced facilities made from Italy for dying, spinning and knitting, and we are composed of co-operation and co-productivity factories located in China different regions. We manufacture and produce cashmere or cashmere blended yarn from 16-28 with single or twins court carded or 36-62 with single or twins court combed, and cashmere or cashmere blended knitwear ranging from 6, 7, 9, 12 & 14-16 gauge. Our Company has already developed a long and stable business relationship with our buyers located at different nations and other oversea countries. Our series cashmere product have been sold very well at home and aboard market such as Europe, the U.S., Japan and Korea etc. We sincerely hope to keep continuously business and strive for developing our stable business relationship with our buyers on a mutually beneficial basis, providing high quality cashmere product to our customers. For any enquiry or quotation, please feel free to contact us.
    2178645807 嘉年禾順實業有限公司 00-852-28387081 SophiaChi 0 00-852-25721821 香港 香港岛 香港灣仔謝斐道414-424號中望商業中心16樓A室。
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