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企 业 名 称:常熟市利恒纺织有限公司

所 属 网 库:常熟纺织网库

联 系 人:朱爱民先生

员 工 人 数:51 - 100 人

主 营 产 品:纱线

公 司 地 址:中国 江苏 苏州 江苏省常熟市大义镇红旗路9号

联 系 电 话:86-512-52363930

电 子 邮 箱:zhaohui198199@163.com

邮 政 编 码:215557

移 动 电 话:13601....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-0512-52398830

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:有限责任公司 ;经销批发


    常熟市利恒纺织有限公司地处经济发达、风景秀丽的中国历史文化名城――常熟市郊,公司紧临204国道,交通十分便利。   本公司设备一流、技术先进,现拥有意大利进口后纺设备,配备全套的检测检验仪器,专业生产及加工各类全毛、混纺针织绒,规格2/20Nm-2/100Nm不等。生产的纱线达乌斯特条干优级。   本公司坚持“以质量为根本、以市场求生存、团结拼搏,求实创新”的经营理念,采用先进适用的技术、科学规范的管理,热情周到的服务来赢得客户的满意。   敬业和精业是我们的座右铭,也有赖于您的宝贵意见。敬请社会各界朋友,同仁继续给予支持和关爱!竭诚欢迎海内外客商前来洽谈合作! CHANGSHU BENFIT TEXTILE CO.,LTD is located at the suburban area of a famous historical city of Chang Shu Re, which is a thriving town apart from its beautiful townscape. The Company is situated near to the State Road 204 and is therefore very convenient from traffic point of view. The Company is equipped with first class machinery and with the most advanced technology. The textile machinery, which are imported from Italy, together with the completed set of testing equipments, are capable of producing various types of pure wool and branded wool knit wears with a specification of 2/20Nm-2/100Nm. The yarn produced is rated top class. It is the Company's philosophy to have quality as the base; to obtain livelihood from the market; to work hard as a team; and to be practical and innovative. It is the Company’s aim to use this philosophy ,together with advanced technology, scientific management, and the necessary supporting services, to satisfy our customers’ needs. We strive to do better in our profession. To this end, we welcome your suggestions and comments. We hope that our friends can continue to give us guidance and support. We welcome corporations from overseas for discussions of commercial opportunities.
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